Quarantine Watercolors
In response to having to return to my childhood home at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, I created this series of small watercolor paintings. They are a meditation on isolation and memory, and how the concept of home changes over time.
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Hungry girl is a plant based icecream designed with women in mind. As the primary consumers of vegan products, the aim of this brand was to bring a bold feminine energy to one of the most refreshing treats known to human kind.
These are largely a continuation of my watercolor series where I reflected on my personal history with isolation and the sense of imagination it fostered. Technically, I challenged myself my limiting my color palette, largely sticking to three layers to create my imagery.
The project brief for this video was to create a Saul Bass inspired title sequence. I chose a particular episode from the show 'Community' that had a horror theme and then created custom illustrations which I animated in After Effects. While I don't currently do motion graphics, I wanted to demonstrate that I understand the process and how to create assets for animators to use.
This is a theoretical rebrand for the non-profit 'Stewards of coast and Redwoods' located in California. The overall design was inspired by simplicity and boldness of historical Nation State Park iconography and prints.
This is exactly what it seems: an informational book based on a paper I wrote for school on the designer Michael Bierut. In an effort to imitate his style I utilized a grid, bold colors, and prominent typography. The hardest part was spelling his name correctly.